Monday, May 02, 2005

Adult Webmaster Resources

So you wanna be an adult webmaster... It's not difficult these days. More and more of your necessary resources are free and simple to use. The following posts will guide you through the steps to get you up and running in minimum time. The basic steps (not necessarily in a fixed order) are:

  • Choose a theme - i.e. Teens, Beautiful Babes, Video, Lesbain Anal Hardcore etc...
  • Choose a hosting solution - blog (more on this later), paid ISP, free hosting...
  • Choose image providers - paid for content, free content, etc
  • Start posting
  • Submit site to Seacrh Engines and Directories.
  • Keep posting
And that's about it. Obviously one can spend time and/or money on designing and advertising their site(s). This is never a bad thing to do but it costs. This blog will focus on building an entirely free adult site which can make money. It takes some time to set-up and maintain but with a bit of effort - much of which is spent looking at lovely naked ladies - or guys if that's your thing - doing fun stuff AND you can tell anyone rude enough to bug you that you're working - you can make significant amounts of money. It could be worse.

Let's begin...

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