- One or more affiliate accounts set up. If not see Step 4
- You blog at Blogger (or at some other provider) set up. If not see Step 5
- Go to one of your image providers (like MagicNudes (a Met-Art Site)), login in and find the Hosted Galleries section. All providers are different so I can't help you too much here - just follow links that look related like Free Content or Promotional Material.
- Find a gallery you like
- Find a picture in that gallery you want to put onto your site and download it to your computer (on PC's R-click on the image and select Save Image) I suggest you have a folder where you download all your content. It makes life simpler. DO NOT CLOSE THIS BROWSER
- Open Hello
- Click the Send Picture tab
- In the pop-up I select Use Explorer but go ahead and try Picasa if you like.
- Find you picture (you may need to navigate to the folder you created) and select it
- Click Open
- A Hello window pops up - You should see you picture. If not repeat the above steps and choose the right file.
- Click BloggerBot and Send
- Into the Caption window write short description and click Publish
Now to link to the gallery.
- Go back to that browser you didn't close (if you did no biggie - just go back to the image provider and find the gallery you wanted)
- Find the link code to that gallery. It will often be the URL in the browser but look for identifying information like a WebMaster number or ID. Some providers will give you instructions on how to link to them on a Links Page or Linking Instructions page. When you have the link code, copy it (select it, R-Click, and choose Copy)
- Go back to Blogger (I suggest a second browser in case you lose the link) and get to Edit Links
- Select the link you just created, click the Link button on top of the Editing Window and paste in the url.
- Click Publish Post.
Things to consider when linking:
- You can select the whole picture and description and link that to the gallery
- When writing your descriptions remember to use keywords - but don't overdo it. Look at Beautiful Nude Girls of Zorbabes as an example. Link text is important t in Search Engine Optimization (more on that in another post)
- Write some extended test with each post.
Good luck.